At the center of all this is the Living mode, a character building feature in which the player can design a Bomberman for use in any of the battle modes. Battle mode (the standard Bomberman game), is joined by tennis, golf and baseball games.

Locate the executable file in your local folder and begin the launcher to install your desired game.

Game description: Bomberman Hardball is divided into four games. Click the 'Install Game' button to initiate the file download and get compact download launcher. You can help PCSX2 Wiki by updating or adding more information to the article. I'm extremely happy with 98% of these covers, but there are definitely some blurry/crappy ones in amongst the good ones.This article is a stub. Sometimes the only scan I could find was from 20+ years ago and a 300x200 grainy and artifact filled jpeg, making it difficult to get a clean cover. I've tried to keep everything as authentic as possible, using the correct manufacturer/publisher logos, placements, and also find the highest resolution images that I possibly could for each and every game. and after finishing off all of the PAL covers, the NTSC collection was soon in my sights.

Originally started as a project to replace the American covers of the SNES Mini, it became extremely addictive. This meant hours of restorative painting work, filling in gaps where ugly black boxes covered beautiful artwork on the USA covers, sourcing original artwork that may have been used on a certain cover, or just plain frankenstein-patchworking many many many different sources together until they looked perfect. What makes this collection different to others that are out there is that I've both kept every one consistent to the same PAL template dimensions, but have also created PAL style covers for ALL of the American NTSC titles also. This project has taken over a year to complete, painstakingly restoring, remastering and recreating all of the boxart/covers of the SNES games I loved as a kid. The ultimate collection of remastered PAL Super Nintendo covers.